Consultancy for content-conscious leaders & FOUNDERS

Ben Horsley
Content Consultant
Surrey, UK

Find your voice,
build your brand

I'm an experienced content director and consultant, with fifteen years of experience in working with leaders and teams to define their voice and find their audience — developing processes that instil the confidence to produce compelling digital content.

For individuals

Content planning
for leaders

I work with time-pressured leaders and founders to design and define a brand and build a functional content pipeline.

For teams

Content strategy
for agencies

I collaborate with busy teams to surface their expertise through content writing, video and social presence.

It's a wild
west out there

You have no idea
where to start

Getting started is the hardest part. I work with founders and teams to define long-term content streams and repeatable processes.

You want your content
to do the talking

If cold calling and hard selling aren't your thing, then relevant and targeted content can be your new strategy for generating leads.

A personal brand
just isn't for you

A little uneasy about exposure? Not looking to become one of those LinkedIn types? Yep – me neither. This is an ego-free approach.
+44 (0)7458 050 170




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